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National Survey of People with Physical Disabilities Data_2022.xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 2.4 MB 07/31/2024 08:16:AM

Project Citation: 

Heinemann, Allen . RRTC on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities (90RTEM0001) Project 2 - National Survey of People with Physical Disabilities. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2024-07-31.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary Goals: This Rehabilitation Research and Training Center seeks to promote job retention by persons with physical disabilities. Objective for Project (2)   Assess employer-, client-, job-, and environment-related barriers and facilitators of job retention.  Overall Approach: Conducted a national survey to people with physical disabilities in USA. 
Funding Sources:  View help for Funding Sources United States Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Community Living. National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (90RTEM0001)

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms Disabilities; rehabilitation; employment
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage USA
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 6/14/2022 – 9/24/2022 (June to September 2022)
Universe:  View help for Universe Research Project 2 - National Survey of People with Physical  Disabilities
Data Type(s):  View help for Data Type(s) survey data
Collection Notes:  View help for Collection Notes Online survey platform with a company that uses a proprietary online research panel, to recruit a demographically diverse sample of people with physical disabilities from the United States. The target distributions of our sample were pre-specified to be representative of the national population distribution by region (West: 24%, Midwest: 21%, South: 38%, Northeast: 17%), race (white: 76% vs. non-white: 24%), and level of education (high school graduation/GED or less: 38% vs. More than high school graduation/GED: 62%). We also sought to recruit a sub-sample of individuals with disabilities who did not return to work after their disability diagnosis or injury (did not return to work: 25% vs. returned to work: 75%).


Response Rate:  View help for Response Rate Used online research company for recruiting. 
Sampling:  View help for Sampling People with Physical Disabilities
Eligibility criteria were age 18 years and older, English speaking, and had a physical disability as their primary disability. We defined a physical disability as a limitation of physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina, which may limit activities of daily living. Because many people with neurological injuries or conditions do not consider themselves as having a physical disability, we asked potential participants if they have a brain injury, a neurological disorder, or multiple sclerosis. We excluded individuals with primarily vison or hearing disabilities and those who had never worked in a paid job.
Geographic Unit:  View help for Geographic Unit United States of America

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