Name File Type Size Last Modified
TradeDemography.dta application/x-stata-dta 1.3 GB 03/15/2023 07:49:AM
TradeDemography_wProj.dta application/x-stata-dta 3.9 GB 03/15/2023 08:08:AM

Project Citation: 

Kopecky, Joseph. The Demographic Trade Database. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2023-03-15.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary
The Demographic Trade Database is an ongoing project compiling multiple sources of information on bilateral trade, macroeconomic variables, and population demographics into easy to use resource. This data is made available to provide researchers with the tools needed to further explore questions relating to how underlying population movements affect the bilateral flow of trade between countries, and the degree to which projected changes in demographics may affect the global trade landscape in years to come.

TradeDemography.dta provides the main dataset which contains trade and demographic values for 39,601 country-pairs from 1970-2019. The dataset TradeDemography_wProj.dta has the same economic, but also includes medium variant projections for demographic variables from 2020-2100.

For a detailed documentation and discussion of constructed demographic variables:

Source used to construct this database come from the CEPII Gravity database and the UN World Population Prospects database:

Conte, M., P. Cotterlaz and T. Mayer (2022), "The CEPII Gravity database". CEPII Working Paper N°2022-05, July 2022. 

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022: Methodology of the United Nations population estimates and projections. UN DESA/POP/2022/TR/NO. 4.

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms economics; trade; demography
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage global
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 1970 – 2019


Data Source:  View help for Data Source

Source used to construct this database come from the CEPII Gravity database and the UN World Population Prospects database:

Conte, M., P. Cotterlaz and T. Mayer (2022), "The CEPII Gravity database". CEPII Working Paper N°2022-05, July 2022. 

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022: Methodology of the United Nations population estimates and projections. UN DESA/POP/2022/TR/NO. 4.

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