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Racial Justice Programming_Interview Protocols.pdf application/pdf 152.5 KB 03/18/2022 02:57:PM

Project Citation: 

Villavicencio, Adriana. Racial Justice Programming_Interview Protocols . Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2022-03-18.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary While scholarship documenting the effects of racism on educational outcomes is extensive, there is less empirical research on interventions designed to mitigate racism and racial bias in schools. To address this gap and expand our understanding of anti-racism efforts in schools, this paper draws on two case studies that explored the implementation and outcomes of a yearlong racial justice program. More specifically, we asked: How, if at all, does participation in a year-long racial justice program 1) develop the racial perceptions and dispositions of school leaders and teachers? 2) influence changes in schoolwide practice or policies? And 3) how do school conditions support or limit the potential of a racial justice program from producing organizational change? This study contributes empirical data to the scholarship on anti-racism interventions, illustrating both the promise and limitations of such programs. The file in this repository includes the interview protocols employed in both case study sites. 

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