Name File Type Size Last Modified
01_ghtorrent_user_data.csv text/csv 164.9 MB 01/11/2022 08:37:AM
02_uva_ncses_user_data.csv text/csv 873.5 MB 01/11/2022 08:24:AM
03_combined_user_data.csv text/csv 887 MB 01/11/2022 08:24:AM

Project Citation: 

Kramer, Brandon. Open Source Software: GitHub User and Activity Data (2008-2019). Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2022-02-06.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary GitHub user data for past and ongoing open-source software project with contributors from National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, University of Virginia, Coleridge Initiative, and Edge & Node

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