Name File Type Size Last Modified
  Data-Analysis-and-Output 07/28/2021 01:26:PM
  De-identified-Data 07/29/2021 10:06:AM
  Instructional-Assignments 07/29/2021 10:07:AM
  Pretest-and-Posttest-Assignments 07/21/2021 06:00:PM
  Supplemental-Analyses-and-Tables 07/22/2021 10:42:AM
READ_ME_AERA_OPEN_SIFT_F20.pdf application/pdf 89 KB 07/28/2021 09:31:AM

Project Citation: 

Brodsky, Jessica E., Brooks, Patricia J., Scimeca, Donna, Galati, Peter, Todorova, Ralitsa, and Caulfield, Michael. Associations Between Online Instruction in Lateral Reading Strategies and Fact-checking COVID-19 News Among College Students. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2021-08-04.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary This repository contains instructional materials, de-identified data, analysis code and output, and supplemental analyses and tables for our paper examining the effects of online instruction in lateral reading on college students' fact-checking strategies and their fact-checking of online news about the COVID-19 pandemic.

The abstract for our paper, entitled "Associations Between Online Instruction in Lateral Reading Strategies and Fact-checking COVID-19 News Among College Students" may be found below: 

College students, and adults in general, may find it hard to identify trustworthy information amidst the proliferation of false news and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. In Fall 2020, college students (N = 221) in an online general education civics course were taught through asynchronous assignments how to use lateral reading strategies to fact-check online information. Students improved from pretest to posttest in use of lateral reading to fact-check information; lateral reading was predicted by the number of assignments completed and students’ reading comprehension test scores. Students reported greater use, endorsement, and knowledge of Wikipedia at posttest, aligning with the curriculum’s emphasis on using Wikipedia to investigate information sources. Students also reported increased confidence in their ability to fact-check COVID-19 news. While confidence was related to perceived helpfulness of the assignments, it was only weakly associated with lateral reading. Findings support the effectiveness of the online curriculum for improving fact-checking.

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