Name File Type Size Last Modified
BENM_SJC.csv text/csv 6.2 MB 03/19/2021 02:48:PM
bls_industry_key.csv text/csv 1.3 KB 03/20/2021 09:55:AM
clip_flickr_and_generate_flickr_PUD_031921.Rmd text/plain 4.3 KB 03/20/2021 09:14:AM text/x-python 9.2 KB 03/18/2021 07:07:AM
monthly_flickr_posts_utah.csv text/csv 2 KB 03/17/2021 01:43:PM application/zip 120 KB 03/19/2021 04:33:PM application/zip 51.3 KB 03/20/2021 09:56:AM

Project Citation: 

Smith, Jordan W., and Wilkins, Emily J. Bears Ears National Monument and Outdoor Recreation in San Juan County, Utah. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2024-03-15.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary The data and code provided here allow for a focused look at the influence of the creation, and subsequent downsizing, of Bears Ears National Monument on outdoor recreation and industries related to outdoor recreation in San Juan County, Utah. Our analysis is reported full in Smith, Wilkins, and Miller (2021).

Smith, J. W., Wilkins, E. J., & Miller, A. B. (2021). Bears Ears National Monument and outdoor recreation in San Juan County, Utah. Society & Natural Resources, 34(7), 966-979.

Python This code downloads all flickr posts within a bounding box that includes San Juan County, Utah.

R Markdown
clip_flickr_and_genreate_flickr_PUD_031921.Rmd: This file reads in the flickr data, clips it to a 5km buffer around the county, generates a 5km grid over the study area (county + 5km buffer), and identifies unique photo user days (puds) for each 5km grid cell.
Zip file containing:
san_juan_county.shp: Shapefile for the boundary of San Juan County, Utah.
Zip file containing: Stata do file for reading in the PUD data, converting dates to Stata readable format using datetime, generating project-specific period codes, reading in the monthly_flickr_posts_utah.dta file, and generating summary statistics for the project-specific periods.
Stata do file for generating summary statistics by quarter, dropping duplicate months, and reading in the bls_data.dta file.

Stata data file with summary statistics of all flickr posts within Utah between January 2004 and December 2019.

Stata data file with all jobs, wages, payroll, and establishment data for San Juan County, Utah from January 2014 to December 2019. See bls_industry_key.csv for the key to reading the industry variable names.

Stata data file of quarterly flickr and bls data ready for regression analyses.

BENM_SJC.csv: CSV file of all Flickr posts within San Juan County, Utah. This is generated through the script.

monthly_flickr_posts_utah.csv: CSV file
with summary statistics of all flickr posts within Utah between January 2004 and December 2019.
Funding Sources:  View help for Funding Sources Utah Outdoor Partners

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms Outdoor Recreation; Economic Development; National Monuments
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage San Juan County, Utah
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 1/1/2004 – 12/31/2019 (2004 - 2019)
Collection Date(s):  View help for Collection Date(s) 7/2020 – 3/2021 (July 2020 - March 2021)
Data Type(s):  View help for Data Type(s) geographic information system (GIS) data; other
Collection Notes:  View help for Collection Notes See Smith, Wilkins, and Miller (2021) for full collection details.

Smith, J. W., Wilkins, E. J., & Miller, A. B. (in press). Bears Ears National Monument and outdoor recreation in San Juan County, Utah. Society & Natural Resources.


Response Rate:  View help for Response Rate N/A
Sampling:  View help for Sampling N/A
Data Source:  View help for Data Source Flickr data: Flickr API (
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (
San Juan County Boundary Shapefile: Utah Automated Geographic Information Reference Center (

Collection Mode(s):  View help for Collection Mode(s) other; web scraping
Scales:  View help for Scales N/A
Weights:  View help for Weights N/A
Unit(s) of Observation:  View help for Unit(s) of Observation Payroll, Jobs, Establishments, Wages, Photo User Days
Geographic Unit:  View help for Geographic Unit San Juan County, Utah

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