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Project Citation: 

Fagereng, Andreas, Natvik, Gisle J., and Holm, Martin B. Data and Code for: MPC Heterogeneity and Household Balance Sheets. Nashville, TN: American Economic Association [publisher], 2021. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2021-09-23.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary We use sizable lottery prizes in Norwegian administrative panel data to explorehow transitory income shocks are spent and saved over time, and how households’marginal propensities to consume (MPCs) vary with household characteristics andshock size. We find that spending peaks in the year of winning and gradually revertsto normal within five years. Controlling for all items on households’ balancesheets and characteristics such as education and income, it is the amount won, age,and liquid assets that vary systematically with MPCs. Low-liquidity winners of thesmallest prizes (around USD 1,500) are estimated to spend all within the year of winning.The corresponding estimate for high-liquidity winners of large prizes (USD8,300-150,000) is slightly below one half. While conventional models will struggle toaccount for such high MPC levels, we show that a two-asset life-cycle model with arealistic earnings profile and a luxury bequest motive can account for both the timeprofile of consumption responses and their systematic co-variation with observables.

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms marginal propensity to consume; household heterogeneity; income shocks; household finance; balance sheets
JEL Classification:  View help for JEL Classification
      D12 Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis
      D14 Household Saving; Personal Finance
      E21 Macroeconomics: Consumption; Saving; Wealth
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage Norway
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 1993 – 2015 (Annual data)
Collection Date(s):  View help for Collection Date(s) 2017 – 2017
Universe:  View help for Universe Households in Norway
Data Type(s):  View help for Data Type(s) administrative records data

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