Name File Type Size Last Modified text/x-stata-syntax 1.1 KB 12/09/2019 12:55:PM
CSSS-Survey-Data-Anonymized.dta application/x-stata 20.6 KB 12/09/2019 12:43:PM
CSSS-Survey-Year-2.pdf application/pdf 469.8 KB 12/09/2019 12:43:PM
READ_ME_FIRST.docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 12.7 KB 12/09/2019 12:49:PM

Project Citation: 

Hopkins, Megan. CSSS Survey Data Analysis for AERAOpen. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2019-12-09.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary These files contain the anonymized data and analysis files used to create Table 2 and some of the findings found in "Boundary Crossing in Professional Association: The Dynamics of Research Use Among State Leaders and Researchers in a Research Practice Partnership." The study examined how interactions between researchers and practitioners shape opportunities for research use in a professional association engaged in RPP activities focused on fostering change in statewide K–12 science education. Drawing on a conceptualization of RPPs as joint work at boundaries, it shows how both researchers and practitioners facilitated research use. Furthermore, research use was facilitated by brokers’ engagement in RPP activities and with shared pieces of research. 
Funding Sources:  View help for Funding Sources United States Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences (R305C140008)

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