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CascaldiGarcia_Comment.m text/plain 9.3 KB 10/12/2019 02:08:AM
Fernald-TFP-2012-11.xls application/ 478.5 KB 10/12/2019 02:09:AM
LICENSE.txt text/plain 14.6 KB 10/12/2019 02:09:AM
ReadMe.pdf application/pdf 475.6 KB 10/12/2019 02:09:AM
TFP_vintages_graph.m text/plain 1.9 KB 10/12/2019 02:09:AM
YieldData.xls application/ 678 KB 10/12/2019 02:08:AM
bootb.m text/plain 1.4 KB 10/12/2019 02:09:AM
current_tfp.m text/plain 7.5 KB 10/12/2019 02:09:AM
data_original_news.csv application/ 36.5 KB 10/12/2019 02:08:AM
data_original_slope.csv application/ 36.5 KB 10/12/2019 02:08:AM

Project Citation: 

Cascaldi-Garcia, Danilo. Replication data for: News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Comment. Nashville, TN: American Economic Association [publisher], 2017. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2019-10-12.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary Kurmann and Otrok (2013) establish that the effects on economic activity from news on future productivity growth are similar to the effects from unexpected changes in the slope of the yield curve. This comment shows that these results become substantially weaker in the light of a recent update in the utilization-adjusted total factor productivity series produced by Fernald (2014).

Scope of Project

JEL Classification:  View help for JEL Classification
      E23 Macroeconomics: Production
      E32 Business Fluctuations; Cycles
      E43 Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects
      E52 Monetary Policy
      G12 Asset Pricing; Trading Volume; Bond Interest Rates
      G14 Information and Market Efficiency; Event Studies; Insider Trading

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