Name File Type Size Last Modified
texas_jails_immigrant_detainer_2011_2017.csv text/csv 2.4 MB 07/14/2018 10:13:AM
texas_jails_jail_pop_1992_2017.csv text/csv 12.9 MB 07/14/2018 10:14:AM
texas_jails_pregnant_inmates_2012_2017.csv text/csv 2.1 MB 07/14/2018 10:22:AM

Project Citation: 

Kaplan, Jacob. Texas Commission on Jail Standards Data 1992-2017. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2018-07-14.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary
These data are about the population in Texas's jails and come from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. There are three files: on the number of pregnant women in jail; on the number of immigration detainers; and general information about who is incarcerated (e.g. number of felons, total population, capacity levels). See below for an outline of the years available and the variables included for each data set.

All data is in monthly units. The data is by county and in cases where there is a private facility, there will be two (or more given multiple private facilities) rows for that county with the private facility data labeled "private facility" in parentheses. To each file I also added the year, month, and a link to the PDF on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards' website where I downloaded the data.

Immigration Detainer: 2011-2017
  • County
  • Number of inmates
  • Number of inmate days
  • Cost in dollars
Pregnant Women:
  • County
  • Number of pregnant women
Jail Population: 1992-2017
  • County
  • Number of pretrial felons
  • Number of convicted felons
  • Number of convicted felons sentenced to jail
  • Number of parole violators
  • Number of parole violators with a new charge
  • Number of pretrial misdemeanors
  • Number of convicted misdemeanors
  • Number of bench warrants
  • Number of federal
  • Number of pretrial state jail felons
  • Number of convicted state jail felons sentenced to county jail time
  • Number of convicted state jail felons sentenced to state jail time
  • Total others
  • Total local
  • Total contract
  • Total population
  • Total capacity
  • Percent of capacity
  • Number of available beds

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms pregnant; jail inmates; texas; jail; illegal immigrants; immigration; immigration detainer; criminals; felons; incarcerated
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage Jails and counties in Texas
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 1/1992 – 12/2017
Universe:  View help for Universe Inmates in jails in Texas.
Data Type(s):  View help for Data Type(s) administrative records data


Unit(s) of Observation:  View help for Unit(s) of Observation Jails and counties
Geographic Unit:  View help for Geographic Unit County

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