California Jail Profile Survey 1995-2020
Principal Investigator(s): View help for Principal Investigator(s) Jacob Kaplan, University of Pennsylvania
Version: View help for Version V7
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application/zip | 1.6 MB | 06/29/2020 04:58:PM |
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application/zip | 1.4 MB | 06/29/2020 04:58:PM |
Project Citation:
Kaplan, Jacob. California Jail Profile Survey 1995-2020. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2021-01-16.
Project Description
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Version 6 release notes:
Version 7 release notes:
- Changes release notes description, does not change data.
- Updates data through March 2020 (first quarter of 2020 in the quarterly data).
- Fix bug where Santa Clara Sheriff's Office was being spelled incorrectly, preventing a merge with the county identifier data (due to a weird character in the Sheriff's name).
Version 5 release notes:
- Updates data through September 2019 (third quarter of 2019 in the quarterly data).
Version 4 release notes:
- Updates data through December 2018 (fourth quarter of 2018 in the quarterly data).
- Adds a date column for the data sets with a month variable. This is defaulted to the first of the month and is purely for some graphing software that uses Date type variables for time-series graphs.
Version 3 release notes:
- Updates data through September 2018 (third quarter of 2018 in the quarterly data).
- Fixes bug where some jurisdiction names were replaced with NA.
Version 2 release notes:
- Updates data until June 2018.
This data is the Jail Profile Survey from California. These data include highly detailed information about the inmates in jails in the state at the jail-month level and the county-month and county-quarter level of analysis.
The data was scraped from the California Board of State and Community Corrections' website here
There are three data sets available: facility/jail-level data monthly, county-level data monthly, and county-level data quarterly. Each of these data sets offers different variables. All the data sets have the variables indicating the years, month (or quarter), and jurisdiction (in most cases the county sheriff). I added variables with the FIPS county and state codes and county names from the US census.
The PDF available for download is the instruction manual from the California Board of State and Community Corrections to employees who submit the jail survey data. This manual indicates how variables are created and can help with understanding the data. I recommend reading it before using this data.
I did not make any changes to the except for the following: Changed column names to make it more informative and shorten names to fit the 32 character limit for Stata. Some cells had the values D and U to represent Does Not Apply and Unavailable. In both of these cases I changed those cells to NA. I did this to allow the column to be numeric for analysis.
Variables in Facility/Jail-Level Data Monthly
- Name of facility/jail
- Population capacity for the facility (if any)
- Average daily population for unsentenced males
- Average daily population for unsentenced females
- Average daily population for sentenced males
- Average daily population for sentenced females
- Average daily population total
- Average daily population for unsentenced males
- Average daily population for unsentenced females
- Average daily population for sentenced males
- Average daily population for sentenced females
- Average daily population total
- Average number of felony inmates unsentenced
- Average number of felony inmates sentenced
- Average number of felony inmates total
- Average number of misdemeanor inmates unsentenced
- Average number of misdemeanor inmates sentenced
- Average number of misdemeanor inmates total
- Day of month where county had most number of inmates
- The number of inmates on that day
- Average daily population of maximum security inmates
- Average daily population of medium security inmates
- Average daily population of minimum security inmates
- Number of mental health cases opened last day of month
- Number of new mental health cases open during month
- Inmates receiving psych medication on last day of month
- Inmates assigned to mental health beds on last day of month
- Inmates seen at sick call during month
- Doctor occurrences during month
- Off-site medical appointments during month
- Dental encounters during month
- Inmates assigned to medical beds on last day of month
- Average number of inmates not assigned to housing
- Average number of inmates in contract beds in other jurisdictions
- Average number of federal inmates in facilities (by contract)
- Average number of state inmates in facilities (by contract)
- Average number of other county inmates in facilities (by contract)
- Average number of inmates sent or awaiting contract to prison
- Average number of inmates in hospitals outside jail
- Total number of inmates booked during month
- Total number of pretrial released due to lack of housing
- Total number of sentenced inmates released due to lack of housing
- Total number of juveniles in custody
Variables in County-Level Data Quarterly
- Number of inmates classified as "3rd Strike"
- Number of inmates classified as "2nd Strike"
- Number of unserved felony warrants in county
- Number of unserved misdemeanor warrants in county
- Percent of inmates believed to be illegal aliens
- Number of inmates assaults on staff
- Money spent on medication in previous quarter
- Money spent on psych medication during previous quarter
- Average length of stay (in days) for all released inmates
- Average length of stay (in days) for pretrial releases
- Average length of stay (in days) for sentenced inmate releases
Scope of Project
Subject Terms:
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prop 47;
jail inmates;
juvenile inmates;
inmate populations;
male inmates;
female inmates;
mentally ill inmates;
california jail;
jail violence;
jail profile survey
Geographic Coverage:
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Time Period(s):
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10/1995 – 3/2020 (October 1995 - March 2020)
View help for Universe
Persons incarcerated in California jails.
Data Type(s):
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administrative records data;
survey data
Data Source:
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California Board of State and Community Corrections
Unit(s) of Observation:
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Jail facility or county
Geographic Unit:
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Jail facility
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This study is un-published. See below for other available versions.
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This material is distributed exactly as it arrived from the data depositor. ICPSR has not checked or processed this material. Users should consult the investigator(s) if further information is desired.