Name File Type Size Last Modified
Hellenic Voter Study 2012 application/x-spss-sav 438.3 KB 08/17/2014 06:46:AM
Questionnaire Hellenic Voter Study 2012 application/pdf 290.7 KB 07/01/2014 01:06:AM
Weights for the Hellenic Voter Study 2012 application/pdf 127.4 KB 08/16/2014 03:29:PM

Project Citation: 

Andreadis, I., Chadjipadelis, T., & Teperoglou, E. (2016). Hellenic Voter Study 2012 [Data set]. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor].

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary The 2012 Hellenic (Greek) National Election Voter Study was conducted as a mixed-mode survey in the period between 19 October 2012 and 5 January 2013. The sample was selected randomly by area proportional to total phone population. Half of the sample was designed to be collected online. The selected respondents were called on the phone and they were asked to provide their email address if they wanted to participate in a web survey conducted by the Laboratory of Applied Political Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. These email addresses have been used into the web survey system. The other half of the sample was designed to be collected by face-to-face interviews. For the face-to-face sample, additional weight was given to people from rural areas, aged >= 55 years and with lower educational levels (taking into consideration the limited access and use of the Internet of these groups). The final dataset consists of 529 respondents to the web survey and 500 respondents to the face-to-face interviews.

Scope of Project

Subject Terms:  View help for Subject Terms voting behavior; parliamentary elections; national elections; voters
Geographic Coverage:  View help for Geographic Coverage Greece
Time Period(s):  View help for Time Period(s) 1/1/2012 – 12/31/2012 (2012)

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